Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Treatment Rough

Hungry Ghost

Man is confronted with his inner self manifested in physical states of matter.

A man sitting, meditates as we hear himself breathing deeply in silence, hearing his heartbeat inside chest as the sound of his blood flows through his veins with the subtle ambience breaking the void.

Suddenly, a few white drops bounce off the backside of the man's hand. We see a white substance drip from the man's nose, but the man is not surprised and peacefully keeps his eyes closed in meditation.

He inhales deeply, and as he slowly exhales. White smoke billows out his nostrils filling the frame, rendering an empty, white world. His chair disappears along with the rest of the tangible world as he falls to the ground a foot below him. He now realizes that he is in a constantly morphing environment.

He sees a creature composed of the materials around him, and confronts him. He and the creature have a back and forth battle.

As he sprints towards the creature trying to deliver his final blow, he runs through the monster and finds himself running into a world of emptiness. The previous world shatters behind him in solid forms.

He slows down, looks up and inhales as the fragments starts coming back toward his nose while turning back into smoke. We cut to black and we are left with sound of his breathing and the ambience.

failed attempt

shape shifting surfaces

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