Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Painter Jung-Yeon Min

When I look at these I wish I could kind of escape into them and
explore the spaces. I wish I could trap people like that.

colored contacts

story is kinda whatevers... i like the way it ends (the last two shots) and the costumes. i mean. not so much the asian stuff, but the sword is rad and same with the dude w/ the twigs coming out of his eyes. the sparkliness is a good touch too. colored contacts are kinda cool too... means less post stuff if we can get it right during the shoot


i like the idea of labeling stuff, i think its in interesting way to interact with a viewer and inform... also it can be very aesthetically pleasing when presented in an interesting way


i dig lines like this. esp on the sides of vans

drumming & multiplying

yo, looks like brad's twin is playing drums in this one