Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2nd draft

Ext. RoofTop Night

Camera focused on Fighter, centered

Fighter contemplating/meditating. Sitting on chair, resting forearms on knees, looking down with a grim look. Focusing on breathing.

One single drip from his nose, hits his hand. White smokey substance flows out of his nose, wraps around his head.

The smoke substance changes and overwhelms the world around him, leaving him in an ominous world of white.

Suddenly, realizing that the chair he was sitting on is gone, falls a distance to the ground.

The world around him closes in on the fighter. The fighter becomes confused and in doubt of his unexpected encounter with the changing world.

Something unknown rises from the ground and grabs his ankle and pulls him into the ground like quick sand.

Fighter resists and tries to pull out.

Shit just got real.

Within an instant, the world around him starts an attack, the fighter swiftly rolls away and dodges.

Right at that moment he stops rolling, an unexpected giant blow knocks him flying at high speed towards far distance.

As the fighter's back slams into a hard surface, dust flies. The wall behind him starts peeling off a goo-like layer and is attaches to his back as he falls. The layer is like a giant gum on his back that starts to stretch forward.

In realization that the gum is still attached to him, he hurriedly runs forward and the gum snaps.

The fighter looks back and takes a moment to realize that this threatening, obscure world is trying to kill him.

The ground starts to shake starts a serie of eruptions toward him. A giant, fist like shape erupts from under him (the size of his upper torso) and hits him right in the stomach and lifts him up towards the sky.

As the fighter jets towards the sky with trails under him, he starts to vomits strings of white.

We see a close-up of him and the white floating out in strings.

The strings of white starts to twirl and concentrates into a long spear.

The fist continues to grow out from the ground, revealing parts of the forearm. The fighter, still in the same position, grabs the spear and goes flying toward the sky as the fist stops.

Fighters body is thrown up with great momentum, that his body flies towards the distance. With a moment of silence, we begin to make out the fighter's body coming back rapidly towards us with both hands holding the spear over his head.

The fighter screams as he slashes the fist and cuts down all the way through like scissors through fabric, cutting the fist in two halves.

As the two halves collapse and melt back into the ground, we can now see the fighter behind it trying to catch his breathe.

The fighter drops the spear, still panting as he walks away from us.

Camera shot - steam close at the spear on the ground, fighter at a distance.

The sword begins to melt and meshes with the ground again, but at an instance morphs into a serpent-like creature.

As the creature hisses, the fighter turns around, charges toward the creature as he closes his eyes.

Ending 1

Leaps to tackle the creature and breaks through a wall. We cut to 100% bright white, a moment passes in silence. We see a complete white figure breaking through the white background. As the wall cracks like an eggshell, the real world starts to reveal itself behind.

At the same time, the fragments starts to desolve and turn into smoke again, going towards the fighter in slow motion. Cut to black.

Ending 2

Leaps to tackle the creature and breaks through a wall. We cut to 100% bright white, a moment passes in silence. We see a complete white figure breaking through the white background. As the wall cracks like an eggshell, the real world starts to reveal itself behind.

We see fragments fallen on the ground that starts to vibrate and turning into smoke. The fighter is now standing still and takes a deep breath in as the smoke goes into his nostril. Cut to black.


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